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“Pitt Street Riot” Reflection
Lo Lok Him
Since years ago I already know there was a riot related to the June Fourth Incident took place on Pitt Street, Yau Ma Tei, on 7 June 1989. Surprisingly in the past 25 years I seldom heard people talking about it in details. One afternoon in April 2014, Lee Chun Fung and I listened to a talk in which a director of the Urban Renewal Authority said the authority is actually a condom of the government
. Then, we came up with the idea of “Pitt Street Riot” mobile theatre, when we were chatting on the bench in Southorn Playground. We thought that perhaps we can organise a mobile theatre initiated by the local community, and re-enact the riot.
We were all interested in this idea because it can link up the community directly. It can also demonstrate how can people with certain influence and hidden agenda stir up a row, as to turn a manifestation into a riot, and ultimately create social unrest. The importance of this theatre was not only to re-enact the riot in 1989, but also to let citizens learn from the experience so that they can prevent people intentionally making troubles in future demonstrations. Indeed, during the Umbrella Revolution in 2014, we witnessed such troublemakers were not uncommon. During some demonstrations that seemed to be normal, all of a sudden some troublemakers would misbehave and create disorder, in order to leave a bad impression on the public towards particular demonstrations.
The career backgrounds of Lee Chun Fung and I had nothing to do with theatre, but amusingly, we had never considered about this. After we came up with the idea, we started to recruit crew members from the neighbourhood. From background research, script writing, props making to rehearsal, everything was done solely by our friends and the neighbourhood. During the process of data research, we found two interesting facts. One, due to the urban development and the rise in rental price, it was difficult to find people who still lived or worked in the Pitt Street or Nathan Road area during the riot until now. Second, most people remembered 1967 riots, instead of the one happened in 1989. Therefore it was more challenging to do the research. Fortunately, we managed to contact an old staff member in a Mah-jong school, and he told us a lot about the riot.
Our friends and the neighbourhood worked hard to look for the details about the riot through different methods. The crew had interviewed the owners of pai dongs, people with gangster ties, old residents from the neighbourhood, etc. Some stories were told vividly and contributed creativity when we were writing the script. Other than first-hand sources, we also collected TV news broadcasts, film and old newspaper articles that matched with the time element of the riot from the Internet. After the completion of the research, we invited Uncle Hung Jai to hold a script writing sharing session for us. With the June Fourth stories narrated by the participants and the background story of the Pitt Street Riot, we wrote the script of “Pitt Street Riot” mobile theatre, which was produced by commoners from bottom up.
Having completed the script, we went searching for appropriate venues for the mobile theatre in the Pitt Street area. Scene one was staged in the public space in front of two fruit stalls. We utilised the real fruit stalls setting, which helped bringing out the texture and tension of the scene. I believe there was the most suitable place for the opening scene, thanks to the neighbours passing by and the way the dialogues of actors integrated into the daily life of the neighbourhood. With the electric wires on the roof, sunshade of the fruit stalls, folding chairs and plastic chairs from cha chaan teng, the first scene of our mobile theatre was accomplished.
The “Pitt Street Riot” mobile theatre began from the idea of “miss”. Today, recalling the June Fourth Incident after 25 years, even though our lives have changed, what are we missing now? Is it the exhausting life or the sigh for our fading dreams? The theatre started from the story backgrounds of three groups of protagonists. A young couple missed each other because of the riot and misunderstanding. A student, who used to be ardent, grew up being an ordinary middle-age man. A loyal leftist unveiled the truth in these few years. Internal struggles troubled him, and he lived in a vicious circle.
With a whistle, time flowed back to 7 June 1989. Wearing white tank top and tight jeans, I played the role of an extremist with my arm wrapped with black cloth. Waving the flag and chanting the slogan “Li Peng Step Down”, I ran from Pitt Street to Yau Ma Tei MTR station, where scene two was staged. Along with the music, our friends covered the actors who played extremists with black cloth on Tak Cheong Lane. Like a time slip, the emotions of 25 years ago returned to Yau Ma Tei tonight. In terms of visual arts, waving the black cloth on the street was a very successful setting design. This design utilised the surrounding space, and expressed the atmosphere of the riot and the emotion of the actors through the colour.
After some chaotic moments, the actors followed the drum sound of Wong Hin Yan, from fast to slow, and marched towards Mong Kok. We marched to a park to stage our last scene. With more space and fewer people, the park allowed us to hold a discussion session after the mobile theatre. In this scene, three groups of protagonists took turns to be on stage again, and tell the audience what exactly they missed in this 25 years. I remembered there was a scene that I had a long dialogue. Thinking of this mobile theatre, suddenly I could not help shedding tears. The reason why this theatre was produced was that, I believe Hong Kong that I lived in the past was unlike how it is nowadays. I wholeheartedly believe that we have been participating in different forms of social movements, so one day we will be able to find the values that Hong Kongers believe in and the indigenous core values.
Looking back to this mobile theatre, we were lucky to have the director of the Urban Renewal Authority suggested the idea of “condom of government” in the forum, or else Lee Chung Fung and I would not be chatting on the bench in Southorn Playground, let alone produce this street mobile theatre. The volume of information we got was not large. Nevertheless, it can serve as a starting point for us to reflect on the meaning of the June Fourth Incident after the Umbrella Revolution. We shall let go what was missed. The revolution has not yet succeeded, comrades still need to work hard!