最新出版:《碧街事變 ﹣﹣六四滾動街頭劇場》 行動紀錄+DVD // Pitt Street Riot ﹣﹣ Action Theatre of Tiananmen Massacre


碧街事變 ﹣﹣六四滾動街頭劇場  
Pitt Street Riot ﹣﹣ Action Theatre of Tiananmen Massacre



At the mid night on 7th June 1989, a few days right after the Tiananmen massacre at Beijing, there was a riot in Yau Ma Tei, Pitt Street. After this riot, most public memorial event with an estimated 1.5 million people participating had been called off. It is said that the riot was started by the China government, as to made HK people cancel the memorial event. 

Nonetheless, it had kept us from contributing a big memorial event to the massacre until this day after 25 years… "Pitt Street Riot"  is an action theater based on the documents and oral history collected from the Yau Ma Tei neighborhood. The theatre consists of three storylines – A left-winged old man brushing past the ‘riot’; two lovers missing on a date because of the riot and a secondary school student at that time who tries to did an action in school to support the movement…


In Cantonese, with Chinese and English subtitles

2015/Hong Kong/DVD/40mins/Color

《碧街事變 ﹣﹣六四滾動街頭劇場》 行動紀錄+DVD
Pitt Street Riot ﹣﹣ Action Theatre of Tiananmen Massacre

規格:平裝 連DVD / 32頁 / 14.8 x 21 cm / 單色印刷 / 初版
Paperback with DVD / 32 pp / 14.8 x 21 cm / Monochrome print / First edition

ISBN: 978-988-13136-4-5


May 2015, Print in Hong Kong


*每本 HK $100 ( 連本地郵費)
*入數後將直接郵寄予各位 (活化廳:(恆生)780-009288-001)
